He They Vir + more
3teen, INFP-T 4w5

digital artist writer n photographer !! Adore VALVe games such as Portal or Half-Life n such !! ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ )

Aqua / Crimson / Charlotte
suspected Autism and Major Depression, please be careful when talking to me !
Ace, Non-binary, Demigirl, Panromantic n Xenogender
I quickly get annoyed and might not respond to your messages if I'm not feeling up to it, I very much apologize if that happens
I love my sweetheart, Harley a lot <3

Thank you all for the HUGE amount of support I've gotten on Twitter, especially from my friends! It really means a lot to me whenever I see people liking and reposting my fanart.Big high-give guys !

For the one and only: my love, my sweetheart, my everything.I didn't know we would get this far when I first met you. My first thought when I saw you send me a friend request was: "Oh, look! This person seems super, DUPER cool! A lot of very similar interests, that's nice. I should try talking to them!" And so I did. I'll never, EVER regret that decision in my entire life luv.I suddenly felt so alive again when we rambled on and on about everything and nothing at the same time. The last time I felt like this was MONTHS ago, and so I knew I found someone new; someone so fun to talk to yet someone so understanding at the same time. I was scared- scared to tell you, and it was very much noticeable when I tried to give you the littlest of hints, hoping that maybe somehow- SOMEHOW this would succeed.And it seemed like it did, surprisingly. I still can't believe the feelings are mutual, and I PROMISE I'll do everything to keep this relationship intact. I love you, love you so much it's impossible to describe it with letters and words and sentences.I'll say it again, I love you.